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Výroky v latinčine

  1. Ipsa scientia potestas est.
    Knowledge itself is power. - [ Bacon ]
  2. Ipsa scientia potestas est.
    Knowledge itself is power. - [ Bacon ]
  3. Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.
    Men gladly believe that which they wish for. - [ Caesar ]
  4. Risu inepto res ineptior nulla est.
    There is nothing more foolish than a foolish laugh. - [ Catullus ]
  5. Saepe ne utile quidem est scire quid futurum sit.
    Often it is not even advantageous to know what will be. - [ Cicero ]
  6. Assiduus usus uni rei deditus et ingenium et artem saepe vincit.
    Constant practice devoted to one subject often outdoes both intelligence and skill. - [ Cicero ]
  7. Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus.
    We are slaves of the laws in order that we may be able to be free. - [ Cicero ]
  8. Quam se ipse amans---sine rivali!
    Himself loving himself so much---without a rival! - [ Cicero ]
  9. Simia quam similis, turpissima bestia, nobis!
    How like us is that very ugly beast the monkey! - [ Cicero ]
  10. Ut sementem feceris ita metes.
    As you sow so will you reap. - [ Cicero ]
  11. Inhumanitas omni aetate molesta est.
    Inhumanity is harmful in every age. - [ Cicero ]
  12. Trahimur omnes laudis studio.
    We are all led by our eagerness for praise. - [ Cicero ]
  13. Patria est communis omnium parens.
    Our native land is the common parent of us all. - [ Cicero ]
  14. Tarditas et procrastinatio odiosa est.
    Delay--putting things off until tomorrow--is hateful. - [ Cicero ]
  15. O praeclarum custodem ovium lupum!
    An excellent protector of sheep, the wolf! - [ Cicero ]
  16. Num barbarorum Romulus rex fuit?
    Romulus was not a king of barbarians, was he? - [ Cicero ]
  17. Excitabat fluctus in simpulo.
    He was stirring up billows in a ladle.(He was raising a tempest in a teapot.) - [ Cicero ]
  18. In virtute sunt multi ascensus.
    In excellence there are many degrees. - [ Cicero ]
  19. Salus populi suprema lex.
    The safety of the people is the highest law. - [ Cicero ]
  20. Canis timidus vehementius latrat quam mordet.
    A timid dog barks more violently than it bites. - [ Curtius Rufus ]
  21. Medici graviores morbos asperis remediis curant.
    Doctors cure the more serious diseases with harsh remedies. - [ Curtius Rufus ]
  22. Struit insidias lacrimis cum femina plorat.
    When a woman weeps, she is setting traps with her tears. - [ Dionysius Cato ]
  23. Amoto quaeramus seria ludo.
    Joking aside, let us turn to serious matters. - [ Horace ]
  24. Sedit qui timuit ne non succederet.
    He who feared he would not succeed sat still. (For fear of failure, he did nothing.) - [ Horace ]
  25. Nec verbum verbo curabis reddere fidus interpres.
    As a true translator you will take care not to translate word for word. - [ Horace ]
  26. Dente lupus, cornu taurus petit.
    The wolf attacks with his fang, the bull with his horn. - [ Horace ]
  27. Quid rides?...De te fabula narratur.
    What are you laughing at? The joke's on you. - [ Horace ]
  28. Culpam poena premit comes.
    Punishment closely follows crime as its companion. - [ Horace ]
  29. Ab ovo usque ad mala.
    From the egg right to the fruits.(From soup to nuts.) - [ Horace ]
  30. Vitanda est improba siren desidia.
    One must steer clear of the wicked temptress, Laziness. - [ Horace ]
  31. Nil actum reputa si quid superest agendum.
    Don't consider that anything has been done if anything is left to be done. - [ Lucan ]
  32. Per varios usus artem experientia fecit.
    Through different exercises practice has brought skill. - [ Manilius ]
  33. Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim.
    Be patient and tough; some day this pain will be useful to you. - [ Ovid ]
  34. Rident stolidi verba Latina.
    Fools laugh at the Latin language. - [ Ovid ]
  35. Amor tussisque non celantur.
    Love, and a cough, are not concealed. - [ Ovid ]
  36. A cane non magno saepe tenetur aper.
    A boar is often held by a not-so-large dog. - [ Ovid ]
  37. Materiam superabat opus.
    The workmanship was better than the subject matter. - [ Ovid ]
  38. Qui non est hodie cras minus aptus erit.
    He who is not prepared today will be less so tomorrow. - [ Ovid ]
  39. Saepe creat molles aspera spina rosas.
    Often the prickly thorn produces tender roses. - [ Ovid ]
  40. Gutta cavat lapidem.
    Dripping hollows out rock. - [ Ovid ]
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